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Sustainability = Employee attraction, engagement and retention

Now perhaps that’s not the most obvious of employee engagement strategies but recent research conducted by TopLine Film suggests that 24% would refuse employment at a company with a poor sustainability track record.

It reflects the public engagement on the topic of meeting the challenges of sustainable living and environmental responsibility. In the world of work, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been climbing up the corporate agenda due to customer demands for businesses to deliver sustainable, environmentally and socially responsible policies.

The ground swell of opinion stirred by the David Attenborough’s Blue Planet II episode back in December 2017 continues to be a potent force in the nations collective psyche. That final episode brought to our attention the shocking truth about single use plastics and their impact on nature and the environment and have prompted many of us to assess and consider our ‘throw-away’ society. More recently April saw the Extinction Rebellion protests take place across the UK and globally with many joining the peaceful direct-action protests to raise awareness on the issue. So, sustainability concerns are on the mainstream agenda and for businesses that means CSR needs to be a core strategic concern.

The research, which polled one thousand office employees to mark the UN’s World Environment Day and has identified how these sustainability and environmental concerns are now working their way into business practice. Jamie Field, Managing Director at TopLine Film, commented: “Establishing environmentally friendly practices in the workplace is simply good for business. Attracting and retaining employees is as good a motivation as any other to get your company thinking about sustainability."

  • 73% of workers polled demand improvements to sustainability policies at work

  • 31% or workers polled don’t believe that their place of work is environmentally sustainable

  • 72% believed that this shared responsibility for all employees

  • Whereas 24% believed that the responsibility was solely for CEO and 17% regarded Human Resources as the custodian of responsibility

When asked about the most popular office environmental initiatives, respondents polled accordingly:

  • Recycling office waste (50%)

  • Reducing paper usage (29%)

  • Reminding employees about energy saving (29%)

  • Installation of energy saving fixtures (27%)

  • Virtual meetings to reduce travel (26%)

  • Use of reusable kitchen equipment (24%)

At LearnLive.Online we’re committed to doing our bit to make our workplace more sustain-ably responsible. But as a training and management development company, our trainers have made thousands of journeys criss-crossing the UK and the globe to deliver training at point of work. We recently worked out that on average one of our trainers will have worked with 150 organisations and trained over 15,000 employees. That’s a significant carbon footprint! So how do we make our working practices more sustainable whilst also delivering on your CSR commitments

At LearnLive.Online we bring our learning and development programmes directly onto your screen. We deliver all our management leadership development programmes to you live over screen with a real time coach working with you in small groups. We are delivering just the same level of interaction that you would have in a classroom, but now without the added travel costs, both financial and environmental.

If you want to work with a training provider who can help you deliver your business and sustainability objectives contact us at LearnLive.Online.

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