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Making time for you, making time for training

I consider myself as a pretty well organised person. I love a list. I love ticking things off my lists. I’m guilty of adding completed tasks onto my list just so I can then tick them off. Just for the sense of satisfaction of achieving something! The fact that the ‘To Do’ subsequently added onto the list, wasn’t deemed important at the beginning of the day, doesn’t detract from my sense of achievement!

Everyday we all have things that we know we should do but never seem to ‘find the time’ to get around to doing them. These are often challenging tasks (i.e. just too difficult to tackle today) or we don’t see them as ‘task critical’ even if they are of personal benefit to us (e.g. personal development). Sadly for many of us we don’t ‘find the time’ to review that interesting article that we have pinned for future reference, we don’t complete the webinar that we started on the train, or we can’t afford the time away from the day job for that training course. These are seen as ‘nice-to-have’s’ and as we are not compulsed to do these, unfortunately they keep scrolling down the list rather than making it to the top!

In today’s hectic business environment, you will never get to the bottom of the ‘To Do’ list, you just need to accept that fact! You will have to ‘make time’ and prioritise your own development, otherwise you just won’t get around to it! So, why should we prioritise our personal development and training?

Upskilling for the future. Make sure you are aware of new technologies and theories that impact your job role and sector. Artificial Intelligence will impact all our roles and, in many cases, already is. Being aware of changes and impacts will enable you to take control of your career path and gather relevant skills for the future. Additionally, being able to talk knowledgeably about current topics and innovations affecting your industry can also separate you from the crowd in job interview situations.

Wellbeing. Mental health issues are rightfully being more opening discussed and acknowledged and we as individuals, can follow some self-help tips and to ensure that we are managing our stress. Taking time for daily meditation and exercise are widely acknowledged as essential ‘me-time’ moments that should be completed as regularly as the ‘To Do’ list making that I do every morning.

Work smarter not harder. Understanding the principles of successful delegation, negotiation or questioning skills could improve your effectiveness at work thereby boosting your performance results and your morale. Take time to identify your task ‘bottlenecks’ and identify a skill or process needed to free up those bottlenecks. Then make time for the soft skills training or process mapping – so that you can work smarter and not harder. (Incidentally, my colleagues have now requested I complete our LearnLive.Online Time Management course, as they are reeling at my simplistic, fudged and flawed time management process!) Everyday is a school day!

At LearnLive.Online we have learning solutions that fit into your limited ‘me-time’ allocated for personal development and training. You and your teams now no longer have the excuse of ‘no time’ as we bring the learning directly into your screen, at your desk, with the learning being delivered by a real trainer, in real time in our online classroom. Our group sizes are deliberately small, we will only train a maximum of 16 delegates at a time, so that you get a very personal approach. Our programmes normally run over four days of 1.5 hours per day and are available for corporate bookings of 12 people or more. These can be spread over several weeks so the impact on a busy work schedule is minimised. You can find out more about our learning solutions.

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