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Finding your Eureka moment

Today is International Bath Day! It has to be said, that I was curious as to what on earth this day meant and why would anyone want to mark ‘International Bath Day’? Further exploration reveals that every year on the 14th June, International Bath Day is celebrated. It is believed that today was the day over 2,280 years ago that the famed mathematician and inventor, Archimedes, discovered the principle of displacement, known as the ‘Archimedes’ Principle’ after stepping into a bath. As he stepped into the bath and the water level rose and he identified that the volume of an object can be calculated by the displacement of the water. The story goes that Archimedes was so excited by his discovery that he ran naked through the streets of Syracuse, Sicily naked shouting “Eureka!” “Eureka!” which means “I found it” in Greek.

So, in celebration of this “Eureka” moment annually we now have International Bath Day which promotes children playing with bath toys so that they may learn, develop and express themselves creatively and hopefully find their own “Eureka” moment!

In business we are often challenged with diametrically opposed opinions that need to be brought together and acted upon. We frequently face our own quandaries that need working through in search of our own “Eureka” moment to help us clarify future direction. At LearnLive.Online we can’t guarantee anything quite as ground-breaking as the principle of displacement, but we can help your business challenge and tackle business problems and issues from a creative standpoint. Our Problem Solving Skills Training focuses on using a range creative approaches to tackle problems and to generate new and innovative solutions to those problems. Plus, to find out more about our training solutions that can be delivered live on screen with our training professionals or in a classroom-based setting - click here.

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