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Today’s workplace has changed


  • Time is in short supply

  • How we consume information has changed

  • Attention spans have shrunk

  • Maximising employee productivity is a key commercial objective


So where is the ‘space’ for learning and development?


As a team of learning and development professionals with decades of experience between us, we’ve transformed the performance of thousands of individuals, but experience alone is not enough. The method of training delivery is now equally important as the content of the course.



Leadership training in action

Leadership Essentials

Effective leadership is such a critical success factor - don't let your business down by ignoring its potency. Leadership approach and example is the blueprint for how a business operates and succeeds.


Our Leadership Essentials programme can provide the perfect platform for a leader to review their own performance and add the relevant catalysts to ensure peak performance is achieved individually and as a team. As well as being the perfect introduction for managers wanting to transform into inspirational leaders.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the programme delegates will:


  • Explored and identified their own leadership style and the attributes (positive & negative) that this style brings to their leadership approach

  • Appreciate the differences between leading and managing and how to adapt behaviour and style to maximise their personal effectiveness

  • Have identified the appropriate balance between getting the job done, maintaining the team & motivating individuals through the creation of energising and empowering environments

  • Understand the benefits of being assertive and will have developed assertive behaviours and be able to lead by example

  • Know how to challenge other people and receive challenges constructively

  • Understand how to evaluate the contribution that individuals make to a team and how to secure the commitment of the team to the goals

  • Have prepared a personal action plan to enhance personal and team performance

Programme content covers

  • Inspirational leadership

  • Creating a vision

  • The impact of leadership style

  • Knowing yourself, your preferences, strengths and weaknesses

  • Leadership v management

  • Creating energising and empowering environments

  • Identifying the key skills of great leaders

  • Communicating goals with clarity

  • Transactional Analysis

  • Creating the place for individuals and teams to shine

  • Developing a participative leadership approach

  • Effective influence

  • Leading by example

  • Leader as a behavioural role model

  • Communication excellence

  • Creating collaborative environments

  • Gaining the commitment of others

  • Harnessing the teams motivation

  • Developing individuals and the team

  • Developing others

  • Commercial awareness 

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