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Today’s workplace has changed


  • Time is in short supply

  • How we consume information has changed

  • Attention spans have shrunk

  • Maximising employee productivity is a key commercial objective


So where is the ‘space’ for learning and development?


As a team of learning and development professionals with decades of experience between us, we’ve transformed the performance of thousands of individuals, but experience alone is not enough. The method of training delivery is now equally important as the content of the course.



Handle sales objections without the need for a hard hat

Handling sales objections

Throughout the sales process customers will inevitably have objections to your solution or proposition. Being able to identify, positively reframe or adjust your solution based on those objections can lead to sales success.


Our programme will guide you through how to approach, how to counter objections and how to earn your customers respect in the process.


Sales courses can be combined to create a modular sales training programme.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the programme you will be able to:


  • Be able to recognise what gives rise to sales objections

  • Be able to recognise your customers’ needs and wants to reduce objections

  • Understand what to do when faced with sales objections

  • Be able to re-frame objections into solutions

Programme content covers

  • Practical review of sales objections witnessed by delegates

  • How to ask revealing questions of your customers

  • The importance of the listening process to understand a customer’s requirements

  • Identifying masked buying signals

  • Process to review the objections and re-frame positively

  • Role play session

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