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Today’s workplace has changed


  • Time is in short supply

  • How we consume information has changed

  • Attention spans have shrunk

  • Maximising employee productivity is a key commercial objective


So where is the ‘space’ for learning and development?


As a team of learning and development professionals with decades of experience between us, we’ve transformed the performance of thousands of individuals, but experience alone is not enough. The method of training delivery is now equally important as the content of the course.



Impact of customer service skills course

Optimising the Customer Experience

This high impact customer service programme provides the tools, techniques, skills and motivation to encourage excellent customer relationships.


 The programme takes a close look at the detail of handling customer transactions and explores the best ways of dealing with each one.   The positive, ‘can-do’ style workshop is lively; fast-paced and aims to deliver greater confidence when dealing with all types of customers (both internal and external), queries and situations and how to make the best possible impression with customers throughout each transaction.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the programme you will be able to:


  • Recognise the importance of providing customer service excellence to both internal and external customers

  • Understand different customer types (including internal customers) and how to adapt behaviour to create rapport and understanding with each one

  • Understand how to make the best first impression and convey a positive – ATTITUDE

  • Have learned a range of communication skills relative to face-to-face customer transactions

  • Know how to ask question to build an understanding of the customers situation

  • Be able to listen actively to build confidence and respect

  • Communicating positively – avoiding negativity

  • Present information persuasively and with influence

  • Know the principles of how to respond to complaints

  • Have developed an action plan to transfer the learning to get improved results in the workplace

Programme content covers

  • Exploring the importance of customer excellence in organisations today – why do first impressions matter so much?

  • Understanding customer needs and different levels of expectations and how to meet the needs of each customer type – understanding oneself and why you get on with some people more easily than others

  • Communicating with customers equally and with respect in a professional yet friendly way

  • Projecting the right attitude

  • The communications process and how to use it

  • How to meet and greet customers and create rapport quickly- initial contact

  • How to use your body language to communicate positively

  • Developing skills with the use of voice, words and inflexion

  • How to develop positive thinking techniques which communicate to the customer

  • Questioning techniques to gain the right information from the customer, quickly and efficiently

  • Different types of questions for different situations

  • Listening Skills which demonstrate you care

  • Taking ownership and responsibility of the customer relationship

  • Recognising and responding to complaints or concerns constructively

  • Giving that little bit extra and getting noticed

  • Practicing applying the skills and knowledge

  • Developing and sharing personal action plans

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