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Today’s workplace has changed


  • Time is in short supply

  • How we consume information has changed

  • Attention spans have shrunk

  • Maximising employee productivity is a key commercial objective


So where is the ‘space’ for learning and development?


As a team of learning and development professionals with decades of experience between us, we’ve transformed the performance of thousands of individuals, but experience alone is not enough. The method of training delivery is now equally important as the content of the course.



Finance for non-financial managers training

Finance for non-financial managers

Many managers can only fulfil their role competently if they have a good grasp of business finance. Being able to understand balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, cash flow and budgets are the essential components. Being competent at communicating financial information is frequently important.  


This programme provides the foundation knowledge required by the majority of non-financial managers. The topic may be serious, even daunting to some people, however it is delivered in a fun and engaging way; even for those who may have an instinctive aversion to the topic.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the programme you will be able to:


  • Understand what financial jargon and expressions mean 

  • Make sense of, and interpret, company balance sheets and profit and loss accounts relevant to their roles

  • Explore cash flow, key ratios and those numbers that uncover the underlying strengths and weaknesses of business accounts

  • Identify elements of the Revenue Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement and be aware of how the statements relate to each other

  • Know how to ‘read’ company published and management accounts

  • Understand the fundamental principles of cost accounting and how to apply them to day-to-day operational decisions

  • Be able to identify potential risks and manage them effectively 

  • Have considered how financial information can be communicated effectively to non-financial colleagues

  • Understanding financial fundamentals – income, expenditure, assets and liabilities

  • Creating and maintaining accounting records

Programme content covers

  • Understanding key financial statements and how they are produced from accounting records:

  • Balance Sheet

  • Profit and Loss Account

  • Cash Flow Statement

  • Statement of Retained Earnings

  • Understanding common accounting concepts

  • What financial levers can a company use to improve performance?

  • Description of common accounting ratios and measures, and how to use them to perform financial analysis

  • How do organisations raise funds? – description of the concept of gearing

  • Use of financial information as a management tool for improvements

  • The different uses of the budget as a control mechanism, forecasting tool and management weapon!

  • Practical budgeting activity – managing the budget

  • Understanding variance analysis 

  • Understanding activity-based costing

  • How to evaluate the expected rate of return for alternative projects 

  • Appraising investment opportunities and ranking capital investment alternatives

  • Discussion of the concept of the ‘value of money’ 

  • Presenting financial information in an accessible and engaging manner

  • Personal action planning

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