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Today’s workplace has changed


  • Time is in short supply

  • How we consume information has changed

  • Attention spans have shrunk

  • Maximising employee productivity is a key commercial objective


So where is the ‘space’ for learning and development?


As a team of learning and development professionals with decades of experience between us, we’ve transformed the performance of thousands of individuals, but experience alone is not enough. The method of training delivery is now equally important as the content of the course.



This man needs complaint handling training as he screams in fustration

Successful Compliant Handling

Things do sometimes go wrong! But how a compliant is dealt with can turn the negative experience into a positive outcome.


Equip your teams with the skills and knowledge to manage the challenges with a positive and customer-centric approach using scenarios they face in their working lives, to bring the learning to life.


This can be tailored around your Complaints Handling Process to ensure maximum compliance to the learning.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the programme you will be able to:


  • Be able to recognise positive and negative approaches to dealing with complaints and the impacts that this will have on customers and their perceptions of your business

  • Be able to remain calm, and recognise that this is not a personal attack and that professional approach is imperative to secure resolution

  • Have practised rapport building skills to help secure trust and open positive dialogue

  • Have worked through series of scenarios based on your business environment

Programme content covers

  • Recognising your impact on customers

    • Identifying real life scenarios – what causes people to complain?

    • What works? What doesn’t work?

  • The angry customer

    • What behaviours are displayed?

    • How can these customers be placated?

    • Step by step process to resolve

    • Practice rapport building skills

  • Compliant handling process

    • This content can be aligned to your organisations Complaints Process

  • Your compliant handing action plan

    • Checklist

    • Action Plan

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