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Today’s workplace has changed


  • Time is in short supply

  • How we consume information has changed

  • Attention spans have shrunk

  • Maximising employee productivity is a key commercial objective


So where is the ‘space’ for learning and development?


As a team of learning and development professionals with decades of experience between us, we’ve transformed the performance of thousands of individuals, but experience alone is not enough. The method of training delivery is now equally important as the content of the course.



sales techniques training

Consultative sales skills training

The lifeblood of any business is sales. Without sales there is no business!


Our Sales Skills programme focuses on understanding your customers, developing strategies to tap into your customers needs and ultimately make every customer interaction a positive and stress-free experience. Results drive us but positive interactions throughout the sales process will create long-lasting impactful business relationships.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the programme you will be able to:


  • Understand the key stages within any sale and how to meet customers needs at each stage

  • Understand the commercial potential of different accounts and devise a strategy for dealing with them

  • Understand the importance of setting call objectives for all customer contacts

  • Categorise customer types and understand their motivations

  • Identify the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes of effective sales people

  • Build good rapport with customers and deal effectively with gatekeepers

  • Develop effective questioning and listening skills

  • Explain the difference between features and benefits

  • Use a process of questioning to uncover the true needs of a customer

  • Understand and be able to respond to a range of different buying signals

  • Use different methods to close the sale

  • Know how to respond to obstacles and objections

Programme content covers

  • Why do people buy?

  • Where does the business come from?

  • Customer Types

  • Stereotypical ‘Sales Person’ behaviours

  • Productive ‘Sales Person’ behaviours – Push-Pull

  • Behaviours experiential session

  • Initial Contact – making the right first impression

  • The sales process – what do we need to know?

  • Cold calling for business

  • Getting past the gatekeepers

  • Objectives to measure advances and keep a positive focus

  • Using power and credibility statements

  • Handling obstacles and objections during the initial contact stage using three-step technique

  • Identifying the Individual Needs and Concerns of each Customer

  • Asking the right questions – getting total understanding of the requirement

  • Using projective listening – getting the detail right

  • Summarising and reflecting customer needs and concerns

  • Role-play session to put the skills into practice

  • Sales Process – milestone summary

  • Circle of Communication – Albert Merhrabian

  • Giving Information Positively (saying ‘NO’ without saying ‘NO’)

  • The Proposition – framing the solution for each client

  • Communication Skills - how to recognise and sell to different customer types

  • Matching features and benefits to specific needs and special concerns

  • Recognising and responding to buying signals

  • Developing a portfolio of closes to cover every sale

  • Closing on objections

  • Negotiating styles and skills

  • Using, recognising and responding to the six negotiation styles

  • Handling Objections - Preparing for all anticipated objections

  • Role play Scenarios

  • After quote/sales service

  • Balancing the perception between showing interest and appearing pushy or aggressive

  • Maintaining the relationship

  • Action Planning

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